Sunday, 13 April 2014

Inspiration for the Boys

I spotted some pictures and I really felt like sharing them.
However, this time, its for the Boys
Hope my opinion matches with every other woman's and you are able to wear just the most loved things.

These sort of googles are what's going on everywhere, and the best part about them is that no one gets tired of looking at them. Even if you aren't wearing them, you can hang them just like that--it give your look a style statement.

Blazers, in my opinion look great and elegant on every man, only it is tricky to wear it in a casual manner. Well this picture says it all.

These shoes would steal the show, trust me. As much as shoes decide a great deal for the women, they do for the men. A casual t-shirt and dark coloured washed denims would go amazingly with them.

    I always thought shirts and winter over-alls don't go hand in hand, well, this picture changed my

     As summer is in the sky, this look should look superb on just anyone. Its casual and stylish. One                                                             could wear googles along with them too. 

I love the way some men wear a sweater over a shirt, it looks really great if you ask me. Plus, this style never fades.

I love the polka- its unusual and gives away a statement.

Tuck-in looks really good, but not on everyone, so try and see if this sort of a look plays out with you.
If possible, match it with the same hairstyle.

I haven't seen many men carry this sort of a look, and I don't know why. In my opinion, it is fantastic.

Usually, formals require a handkerchief in the coat pocket, well, this casual look brings out that trend in a different way.

This is vintage, modern, exclusive, and expensive looking. If you spot anything like this...just buy it!

A lot of men wear belts with a bulky symbol at the centre when they tuck-in their shirts. Frankly, its not that stylish but too loud. Instead, a sober belt can turn the look round into elegant and charming.

 Hope this post was interesting!
Leave a comment or mail to tell me how you like this post or in case of any suggestions and tips ;)
Happy Sunday!!


  1. Nice !! Keep it up and do educate people like me in dressing up well..
    Very well written ������

    1. Thank u Arth, will surely try to do that :)
